BATTOP Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard For IPad IPhone 30

BATTOP Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard For IPad / IPhone 3.0 OS/Android/Window Mobile/Symbian Smartphone/MAC/PC Apple Style Keyboard
BATTOP Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard For IPad / IPhone 3.0 OS/Android/Window Mobile/Symbian Smartphone/MAC/PC Apple Style Keyboard

“Before we according to apple official price. Now we are selling price, on the basis of 1,100 yuan will depreciate sales promotion, in addition to still send gifts. For example, our store of ipad 16G 2800 yuan, they sell, still can giving apples all fittings series.” Ms. Li said. “we ipad inventory and store, even by SanSiBaiTai per depreciate 1,100 yuan computations, this part of the loss is as high as 3.4 million, not to mention promotion.”

The businessman also revealed now sell in a “after sealing” iPad. “This kind of product is not apple YuanFeng, but these vendors do not know where to take the goods, oneself later than HangHuo packaging sales. Price is low, absolutely.”

The above insiders still discloses, apple is very arrogant, basic treat distributor is notified and execute relationship, never discussion negotiation process.

In addition to the above “at one’s own expenses” refund the difference of dealers outside, consumer in other apple dealers buy ipad and cannot enjoy back to the difference of the policy.

4 iphone machine is hard to find. ipad retreat price policy “differentiation treat”. apple Chinese channel developing, exactly how with a kind of architecture in?

Mobile Internet industry league secretary general li yi said apple sales in the United States system and China are exactly alike, apple impossible to consumer differences to treat, must be in communication links appear problem.

With sales HangHuo ipad merchants, compared ipad merchants days more authority is having a hard time. “Yesterday have counterparts, feel the apple was suddenly put a, really is this.” The businessman said, “now is trying to contact ipad 2, on sale in America, I will soon be able to take delivery, now has clients book it. But the price is not yet set, it’s all depends.”